Hemp Foods Australia: on a natural high

10th July 2021 | Moira Geddes
Hemp Foods Australia

If you’re looking to get a natural kick out of cannabis without the police coming after you, you really should try hemp. Although both hemp and marijuana come from the cannabis sativa plant, hemp contains very low levels of THC. This is tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical responsible for marijuana’s mind-altering effects). What it does contain in spades is nutrients. Essential fatty acids, protein, vitamin E and minerals like iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc. In other words, it’s ridiculously good for you.

In November 2017, Food Standards Australia New Zealand finally made hemp-based foods legal for human consumption in Australia. This paved the way for local producers to tap into a global market estimated to surpass US$2.7 billion by 2028.

Hemp Foods Australia

As one of the largest hemp food companies in the Southern Hemisphere, Hemp Foods Australia was already on the front foot. The business has been supplying overseas markets since 1999. Being a well-established manufacturer, Hemp Foods Australia was in the ideal position to take advantage of a growing local demand for certified organic hemp products. It’s now sparking up joy in the minds of health-conscious consumers across the country.

The business currently imports most of its seeds from more established overseas markets. However, it also sources organic hemp seeds from growers in Tasmania. As Aussie growers become more established, they’ll look to make it a completely local operation.

In the video below, Eativity catches up with Hemp Foods Australia’s New Product Development Manager Prana Arnold. Watch it to learn more about the nutritional benefits of hemp and best ways to consume this genuinely super food. For more information on Hemp Foods Australia and a range of hemp recipe ideas, click here.

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